Monday, February 17, 2014

Manic Monday Presidents' Day Edition

Some random thoughts and questions...

Will this snow ever end? I can't recall a more tedious winter in recent years. So much snow AND so cold as well. Not fair, Mother Nature!!

What lessons from your parents have meant the most to you over the years? My father taught me how to work, a lesson that I think a lot of kids may not be getting these days. One of the reasons I've had any success is that whatever I've attempted, I've always done it to the best of my ability and with full effort. My mother taught me how to adapt. She's not always quick to embrace change but she eventually finds her footing in any situation. Life sends a lot of crap your way and if you can't roll with the punches, you'll eventually get knocked out.

I had a lovely Valentine's Day - low-key but perfect. Dinner out with Mike (and his brother - Frank's birthday is Valentine's Day!) and then watching Britcoms on Hulu in bed - what else could you want? Growing up when and where I did, the concept of finding someone to love seemed not only out of reach but not even possible. There's something damaged in me from those years of being made to feel less-than and unworthy that can't be cured but can only be managed, like a chronic illness. Here in 2014, when it seems like every day brings news of another state recognizing me as an actual human being, every day is Valentine's Day. 

I hope everyone that is off from work today has a great and relaxing day. If you're not off, I hope it goes by fast! 

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