Thursday, September 29, 2011

Jazzy Mariah Moments

I may not have mentioned it (HA!) but I have been a Mariah Carey fan from first hearing her debut song Vision of Love on the radio in summer of 1990. I actually drove directly to the record store (kids, ask your parents what that is) and tracked down the release date of the single. When it came out, I bought at least 10 copies of the cassingle (that is an obsolete word!) and gave one to anyone who came into range. So - it was no shock to me that she became and remains one of the biggest musical stars in the world. She is at or near the top of every poll and list of the best singers ever, due to her five-octave vocal range as well as the extraordinary command she has over it. She also has a unmistakable tonal quality that is often compared to velvet. 

Mariah works mainly in the pop and R & B genres, with forays into other genres from time to time. Here I've collected some songs from my favorite alternative category in which she performs, jazz. OK -Don't Play That Song is an Aretha Franklin cover, but in the cabaret setting I find it quasi-jazzy. I fully expect that as Mariah ages, we will see more and more jazz and standard recordings from her, as the "pop" music machine spits out most artists who no longer appeal to the youngest of music listeners. But, like Barbra Streisand and Tony Bennett, those artists like Mariah whose careers are based on talent are able to remain relevant well into "retirement age" and beyond. In fact, Tony Bennett's Duets II CD, from which I feature below his recording with Mariah, is the #1 selling CD in the country this week - and his first #1 album, at age 85!

From Tony Bennett's new Duets II CD

The Wind, from Mariah's Emotions CD 

Christmas Time Is Here, from Merry Christmas II You

From her video collection "The First Vision" - a live performance prior to the release of her debut CD - Randy Jackson from American Idol can be seen playing in the band (behind the back-up singers, with a Kid-n-Play hi-top fade)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday Reading

I read an article this summer that I've revisited several times since and that I've been meaning to share. It's a bit long but is extremely interesting (to me, at least) and discusses what has been called at various points in history "the rat race" or "keeping up with the Joneses".  You can read it for yourself at the following link:

 The Medium Chill

Even after re-reading it several times, I'm still unsure of my opinion about what the author is saying. A part of me completely agrees that there comes a point where you have just enough to make you happy and anything else is just icing on the cake, and another part of me likes icing a lot and thinks that it is the best part! And now I want cake.... I hate food references!

ANYWAY - I'd love to get some other opinions on this article and what the author calls "the medium chill". Are you living in that sweet spot, still trying to get there, or pushing ever ahead to the next level?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

New Release Tuesday

This remix of the current Erasure single makes me even more excited for the new CD (coming Oct 3rd)

The new LeAnn Rimes features this great cover of "Help Me Make It Through The Night" as well as many other remakes of classic country hits. First album from her in a long time that I actually like!

Like Enya and Sarah Brighman had a baby that they dressed up like Jane Eyre. This song is the Single of the Week on iTunes - a free download! 

Seth McFarlane (best known as the creator of the animated series Family Guy) releases his standards album today. He has a great 40's big band sound for those that like that style of music (which I do). 

Friday, September 23, 2011

Life in The Tank

I've been fighting a major depression this week. I'm not sure if it's the arrival of fall, with winter quickly following as it does here in Ohio, or just the distressing events in the news all week, or just perhaps I'm pre-manopausal. My breasts do feel tender, if that's any indication. :-) In any event, it's been less than fun. 

     During the recent Borders closing sales, I picked up several books on my reading list. One of my purchases was The Book of Awakening by Mark Nepo. It's basically a collection of daily reflections, each one short and easy to digest before bedtime or whenever the moment occurs. Searching for some kind of inspiration to get through this funk, I picked it up and started reading. I have to say that although I am only a few days into it, it's certainly helping. 

     I wanted to share an excerpt that I found thought-provoking. It reminds me of a favorite quote, attributed to Robert Schuller - "What would you do if you knew you could not fail?"

Love, and do what thou wilt
St. Augustine

It was a curious thing. Robert had filled the bathtub and put the fish in the tub, so he could clean the tank. After he’d scrubbed the film from the small walls of their make believe deep, he went to retrieve them.

He was astonished to find that, though they had the entire tub to swim in, they were huddled in a small area the size of their tank. There was nothing containing them, nothing holding them back. Why wouldn’t they dart about freely? What had life in the tank done to their natural ability to swim?

This quiet yet stark moment stayed with us both for a long time. We couldn’t help but see those little fish going nowhere but into themselves. We now had a life-in-the-tank lens on the world and wondered daily, in what ways are we like them? In what ways do we go nowhere but into ourselves? In what ways do we shrink our world so as not to feel the press of our own self-imposed captivity?

Life in the tank made me think of how we are raised at home and in school. It made me think of being told that certain jobs are not acceptable and that certain jobs are out of reach, of being schooled to live a certain way, of being trained to think that only practical things are possible, of being warned over and over that life outside the tank of our values is risky and dangerous.

I began to see just how much we were taught as children to fear life outside the tank. As a father, Robert began to question if he was preparing his children for life in the tank or life in the uncontainable world.

It makes me wonder now, in middle age, if being spontaneous and kind and curious are all part of our natural ability to swim. Each time I hesitate to do the unplanned or unexpected, or hesitate to reach and help another, or to inquire into something I know nothing about; each time I ignore the impulse to run in the rain or to call you up just to say I love you - I wonder, am I turning on myself, swimming safely in the middle of the tub?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon - Musical Version - Elvis To Whitney

This is a simple one but it gives me a chance to shine a light on one of the most talented and under-appreciated singers of the last 50 years.

Elvis Presley doesn't really need me to tell you who he is - still one of the highest earning and most loved singer more than 30 years after his death.  What you may not know is that Cissy Houston (Whitney's mom, Dionne Warwick's cousin) was in his backing group The Sweet Inspirations. A talented choral arranger, she arranged his version of Suspicious Minds and of course sang the backing vocals.

Cissy eventually left the Sweet Inspirations to go solo, but found limited success as a lead singer. However, she was in demand for decades as a session vocalist and vocal arranger. She can be heard singing on many recordings singing for Aretha Franklin (the operatic descant in Ain't No Way was written and performed by Cissy), Luther Vandross, and even Whitney herself. Whitney's first television performance was with her mom at her side. Nearly 20 years after the original recording with Aretha, Cissy's soprano is still intact.

Here's another great live performance from Cissy, of the Duke Ellington classic Come Sunday.

Whitney Houston doesn't require introduction either - she is both famous and infamous. One of my favorite performances from her is a very casual live one with Natalie Cole.

But back to Cissy... I can't know her thoughts, but I sometimes wonder how she felt watching Whitney descend into her drug use. Did Cissy bring up Elvis and his tragic end as a warning to her daughter? I do know from interviews that she did as much as humanly possibly to get Whitney healthy again, as I'm sure any mother would do. Cissy is nearly 80 now and is no longer singing professionally as far as I know, but she has left behind a great legacy of work. I'll end this post with a song that shows off the best of her abilities from an early 1980's Broadway show about aging (she was barely 50 at the time!).

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Better is Not Good Enough

Whales live mostly in the depths of the ocean, but because they are mammals (like humans) and have to breathe air, their lungs demand that they come up to the surface from time to time to inhale and exhale. Under the water, their sheer size keeps them safe from most predators. The time of their greatest vulnerability, when they are literally gasping for breath, is also when humans can most easily attack them. It's a waiting game, really - we know that eventually they will come up for air and then we strike.


The It Gets Better Project has one goal - preventing teen suicide by adults making videos showing that things do get better. To quote their website, ,

Many LGBT youth can't picture what their lives might be like as openly gay adults. They can't imagine a future for themselves. So let's show them what our lives are like, let's show them what the future may hold in store for them.

There are over 22,000 videos from politicians, military personnel, sports teams, singers, actors, and everyday people so far, and the number grows each day. But as inspiring as these video can be, it doesn't help a lot when you are faced with abuse from bullies without a reprieve.

Jamey Rodemeyer, a teen who had been bullied, made an It Gets Better video in May of this year. In it he offers hope to those that face similar bullying and tells his own story. Please watch it below.

The video is really busy right now and may not load - click here to watch it on YouTube

He knew all the right things to say, and maybe he even believed it for a while, but after near-constant torment over a period of years, Jamey killed himself on Sunday. It's no coincidence that Jamey had just started high school this year and that he felt it better to die than have to go back there one more day. It devastates me that this is still happening today.


All animals instinctively want to live, even if the cost of living is great pain and suffering. So the whales rise to the surface, facing whatever slings and arrows we may throw at them. Humans, however, have the ability to choose, and so when the pain at the surface becomes too much, we stay under the water and eventually drown.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Music Monday - Adam Lopez

After singing every day for 40 days straight, I'm happy to post someone else doing it!

Adam Lopez is a an Australian singer and vocal coach perhaps best known for his Guinness World Record for highest vocal note performed by a male - a C#8, a half-step higher than the top note of a piano! There's usually not a lot of substance left once you are singing in that range. A human voice is normally something like a bell curve - mostly found in the middle with decreasing abilities toward the high and low ends.

Adam posts videos on YouTube from time to time, and his most recent post is a cover of the 1980's hit "Take On Me" by A-ha, featuring a less extreme but still quite thrilling display of his vocal range from low to high to HIGH. I love that he re-interprets the song as a ballad - I had never thought of it that way but it works well and the listener can certainly understand the lyrics better. Also note that he is using split-screen so it appears that he is accompanying himself. If time is of the essence, be sure to listen to the 20 seconds following the 2 minute mark.

I think this is his best performance yet. I'd love to know what you think, so tell me :-)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Birthday Countdown 2011

Adele's CD "21" has reigned supreme for me this year, so it's only fitting that the last song in the countdown is the closing song from that album. "Someone Like You" is also the current #1 song in the country, propelled to the top by Adele's sublime performance on the VMA's a couple of weeks ago - one of the few bright spots on that telecast.

Why do I like it? It's an amazing song - simple and timeless. It could have been written any time in the last 40 years, or in the next 40.

About my version - There's no way to match Adele's stunning live versions, but I do my best. And - I manage to not burst into tears! I'll surely be singing this in karaoke bars around the world for years to come. 8 out of 10

Tomorrow - Nothing! I'll be taking a break for the rest of the week, and then actual blogging with words and stuff will resume next Monday. Thanks to all of you that have visited, watched and commented, I really appreciate it. I hope you've found some enjoyment in my little self-indulgent exercise. I'd love to know which were your favorite and least favorite songs - leave a comment, won't you please?

Monday, September 12, 2011

Birthday Countdown 2010

I downloaded Rolling In The Deep as a free iTunes Discovery Download near the end of December 2010, so it counts, even though it reached the pinnacle of the charts in 2011. Don't argue!

I've written about this song before, but to sum it up - It's one of the best songs I've heard in a decade or more. Even with the constant radio play, I'm not tired of it. Also, it's the opening song on the best album of the year. 

Why do I like it? It's a mix of every genre I like, and Adele herself is such a breath of fresh air. YouTube a few interviews if you haven't seen any - she's as delightful in person as she is on record. 

About my version - Today was crazy busy, so it's a one-take day! It came out pretty good, given those circumstances, and I will probably sing it again sometime, even though it's not the best fit. 7 of out 10.

Tomorrow - The end is in sight! One and done...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Birthday Countdown 2009

Today's song was sung on a reality show early in 2009 by a woman who would become that year's highest selling artist. Of course it's I Dreamed A Dream, performed by Susan Boyle.

The story of Les Miserables has been around for a century and a half and has been adapted into many movies over the years. The stage musical opened in France in 1980, and then in London, in the more common English version, in 1985. It's one of the most successful and also most depressing shows ever, and the music is thrilling and beautiful. In this selection, the character Fantine reflects on her life and thinks back to happier times just before dying, (SPOILER!)

Why do I like it? It's perhaps the best song in a wonderful score, and never fails to move me, evidently even when I am singing it!

About my version - I've listened to this song for over 20 years, but as it is sung by a French woman driven to prostitution to care for her young daughter, it's not exactly in my repertoire (I'm American). I chose to sing it in a higher key as it is written for an alto, and I am not on of those either. I found myself having a special moment at the end of the song. I also cry at Hallmark and Folgers commercials, and during the last episodes of MASH and Roseanne. So sue me :-)  Anyway - I'd sing this again with some more practice if the opportunity arose. 7.5 out of 10.

Tomorrow - 2 more days! 5 songs on the list, but I'm open to suggestions.....

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Birthday Countdown 2008

Someone sang Memory on America Idol in 2008, so I can do it too :-)

Memory is from the Broadway smash hit Cats, of course, but I am most familiar with the Barbra version. I've been singing along to this song for nearly 30 years but have never sang it, as I am not a cat.

Why do I like it? It's a Broadway, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Barbra triple scoop of awesome, what's not to like?

About my version - ...except for the key, which is for a Broadway mezzo from hell. As I am none of those things, I feel like I am growling my way through most of it. This is a cut version, which doesn't give a lot of time to build to the wonderful conclusion, but it's also a lot easier for you and for me :-) If the occasion arises, I will certainly sing this again - or maybe just in my living room again. But either way, I love this song and so I'll give my rendition an 8 out of 10.

Tomorrow - 3 days to go! These recent years are hard because I've used up a lot of my favorite artists.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Birthday Countdown 2007

Mika's debut album was a huge global hit in 2007, making him the highest selling male artist of the year over other stars like Justin Timberlake and Eminem. It's really a wonderful thing and if you don't have it, you should at least try out some of the songs on YouTube. If Freddy Mercury and Erasure had a baby, Mika would be it. 

My Interpretation was not a single, but is one of my favorite songs from the CD. It's basically about being just completely over someone - here's the chorus:

'Cause I don't care if I ever talk to you again.
This is not about emotion,
I don't need a reason not to care what you say,
Or what happened in the end.
This is my interpretation,
It don't, don't make sense. 

Why do I like it? I think the music is pretty and I like the contrast with the harsh lyrics.

About my version - Lots of back and forth into falsetto in this song, which is a tough thing for me! While it's not all executed as smoothly as I would like, I really liked singing this and would want to do it again with a little more time for practice, etc. I'd have to say this is one of my favorites - 8 out of 10.

Tomorrow - Just 4 more days! This year has a lot of great songs to choose from!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Birthday Countdown 2006

What Hurts The Most was a big hit for Rascal Flatts, but the version I like is the dance remix by Cascada.

Why do I like it? I love when artists take ballads and turn them into dance songs, it's one of my favorite things. There are many dance artists that do only that, in fact.

About my version - This is a hard song to sing - lots of words, really fast LOL But I struggled through. If I sing this again, it will be the ballad version! 6 out of 10.

Tomorrow - Another day with lots of choices!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Birthday Countdown 2005

When You Tell Me That You Love Me was originally performed by Diana Ross in the early 1990's, and has been covered by other artists such as Westlife and Dolly Parton. In 2005, the American Idol Finalists did a version as well.

Why do I like it? This is one of my favorite Diana Ross songs and is perhaps one of her strongest vocal performances from the past 20 years of her career.

About my version - This was really enjoyable to sing! The lyrics are somewhat saccharine, something you notice more when actually singing them as compared to listening to a recording. I probably would not sing this again, but I do like my rendition. 7 out of 10.

Tomorrow - The choices are all over the place! But there will be no rapping ever....

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Birthday Countdown 2004

I don't know what I was doing in 2004, but it certainly wasn't listening to music. Luckily, the last single from Shania Twain's 2002 mega-hit CD Up was released in 2004, and so that's what I'll be singing today!

It Doesn't Hurt When I'm Breathing is actually one of my least favorite songs from Up, but it is such a spectacular CD that it's still a decent song. It does get a bit repetitive but it is short. Also, it actually has an end instead of fading away into the distance. Songs really should have an end.

Why do I like it? It's a ballad and it's the lite-rock type of country music I prefer.

About my version - This was pretty simple - almost like a palate cleanser. There's some nice modulation but it's not exactly challenging. I probably would do this again for karaoke - 7 out of 10.

Tomorrow - One sad song on my little list, and I really do not want to sing it, so how's about some ideas?

Birthday Countdown 2003

I've always liked Amy Lee's voice (she's the lead singer of Evanescence) but was not a big fan of the group overall.  But this version of their song Bring Me To Life was actually performed by Katherine Jenkins, one of the biggest classical crossover stars around, and I love it.

Mike - she was on the Doctor Who Christmas Episode last year.

Here's what it should sound like -

Why do I like it? Beautiful melody, dramatic lyrics, and a great orchestral arrangement. What's not to like?

About my version - I just heard this arrangement yesterday when researched songs for today and had to do it. With some residual hoarseness, a busy day spent partly in a smoky casino, and a late return home (I did this at 10:30PM!), I expected it to be a lot worse. I wish the backing track had the choir in it, and the final note was a bit Kermit-y but otherwise I was really pleased with the result. Of course, with more than a day's exposure and a bit of rest (and if I could get the placement of that last note right!), it would be loads better. I will be doing this again for sure. An 8 out of 10 , based on potential.

Tomorrow - This here's the Van Lear Rose... no, can't do that one, no backing track :-(

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Birthday Countdown 2002

I delayed today's recording to later in the day to recover from a night of violent laughter and conversation that caused a touch of vocal distress. Mistress Dale of Pittsfield had suggested the John Mayer song No Such Thing  for today, and although I was not familiar with it, I thought it would be fun to try. Just not happening today, just too weak- so instead you get something easier but still fun.

Soak Up The Sun was the first Sheryl Crow song I really liked. It's a perfect summer song and a great choice for this last holiday weekend of summer.

Why do I like it? I like the beat, the lyrics, and the words "diddly squat".

About my version - This song has a limited range, just right for someone with a touch of sore throat. My tiny cat was freaking out a bit, playing with the ring in the curtain,  and I was a bit distracted and goofed up the words a little, but overall I liked this one and would do it again. 7 out of 10.

Tomorrow - In looking at songs for today, I found the perfect song for tomorrow! If I'm not too hoarse still...

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Birthday Countdown 2001

Another song that could have been earlier in the countdown!

Emotion was originally recorded by Samantha Sang in 1978, and was written by the Bee Gees, who also lent backing vocals to that recording. The Bee Gees and Destiny's Child both released versions of the song in 2001, but only the Destiny's Child cover charted, reaching #10.

Why do I like it? I always liked the original version, and Beyonce & Co. took the song to a new level. Each of the members get a solo verse, but as usual it's Mrs. Jay-Z that steals the show in the end - it's most likely in her contract!

About my version - I used the competition cut version of this song, as it is super repetitive and quite long. I used the Destiny's Child version as a starting point and sorta did my own thing, to varied levels of success. I'm not mad at it, but I don't this this song is exactly for me. 6 out of 10.

Tomorrow - Same predicament as yesterday - I've done songs by all these artists already! Won't you please keep those ideas coming?

Friday, September 2, 2011

Birthday Countdown 2000

Nobody Else But You sung by Better Midler was the theme song for the short-lived sitcom Bette, and also appeared on the "Bette" CD released in 2000.

Why do I like it? I love TV show theme songs - most shows these days do not have one, and that's a shame. Imagine Gilligan's Island, Laverne & Shirley, or The Brady Bunch without their songs! And I also love Bette Midler, one of the funniest women in the world, and a fine vocalist as well.

About my version - Truth be told, I had a long day and did this in one take and no practice at all. It's not too bad, actually. There's a few weird notes but it's a cute song and I'd be up for doing it again. 6 out of 10.

Tomorrow- No idea! I've done songs by all the artists on my list for today previously in the countdown, so either I need to find a new song or I will be repeating someone. Suggest away!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Birthday Countdown 1999

Mariah Carey is at the top of my list of favorite singers, and I especially like her covers of other people's songs. She writes her own music much of the time, but every now and again she throws in a cover. Oddly enough, these are often lite-rock songs originally sung by men, such as Open Arms, Without You, and most recently I Want To Know What Love Is.

Her version of the Phil Collins hit song Against All Odds is one of my favorites - my favorite being the cover of Bringing On The Heartbreak. While AAO was not a hit here in the US, it was a minor hit around the world. The British boy band Westlife was added to the track after its original release to pull in younger audiences, because as ridiculous as it sounds, Mariah was considered old for the pop music business at age 30.

Why do I like it? Of the Phil Collins oeuvre, this is perhaps my favorite song. As I do not care for him, that's faint praise, but I do think Mariah's version is one of her finest vocal performances. Her signature upper register is not used in this song, so she is able to give a more full-throated performance without fear of vocal wear and tear.

About my version - This is very low for me at the beginning but I think I sound ok - I can't really project the sound down there, so it's just not a register I sing in normally. There are momentary octave jumps that are more comfortable for me, and then a little high belting at the end that's sloppy in execution, but overall I like it a lot. I would do this one again as well, with a bit of modulation perhaps. 7.5 out of 8.

Tomorrow - 2000 already?? Where does the time go? Any song ideas?