Monday, October 24, 2011

My age on Mars is 21 and that's good enough for me

"Being this side of 40 feels like what I should have felt being this side of 25: in my body, in my heart, happy with my life, and OK with whatever bumps in the road present themselves." - Jennifer Aniston

"Bullshit, Rachel." - Michael Hall

It's been almost 6 weeks since I turned 40 and I think I've finally wrapped my head around it. I tried to avoid the thought of it, as if that might keep it from being real, but having to also get a new driver's license last month really drove it home. Now the picture in my wallet matches what I look like today, for better or worse. However, for the first time in decades, the weight on the card is the truth and not my best guess or wishful thinking., so there's a plus.

I'm not sure if it bugs me to be 40 or if it bugs me to read what other people think of being 40. 

For example:

Of course, this article is talking about writers, but if a writer (who isn't exactly a celebrity and doesn't have to be camera ready or even attractive) can't find success at age 40 or older, then who can? Luckily, I was not the only one to think of that - here's a great rebuttal:

So if Alex Haley can hit it out out the ballpark with his first book Roots at the age of 56, I guess I have a few more good years ahead. And if I miss that deadline, don't forget Grandma Moses, who became the darling of the art world in her late 70's. Just one thing - please don't call me Grandpa Mickey, or I might throw my walker at you.

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